Essential Photography Gear as You Get More Serious

Camera bag and various accessories – Image Courtesy of Pexels

As you begin photography and get more serious about it, you will quickly realize you need more than just your jacket and strap. So here is some essential photography gear you definitely need.

An Adequate Storage Bag

You will quickly realize that the strap that came with it is not enough. Leaving your camera around your neck is a little awkward and looks like an advertisement for thieves. So you need a bag to take your camera with you. If you have a lot of accessories, you might need a sturdy bag like an X Pac backpack to keep them in. But brands like Fossoto and Lowepro make good DSLR bags that can fit your camera and usually just one extra lens and a few SD cards.

Don’t Forget a Tripod

Going freestyle is a great way to catch moments and get a good feel for how it works. But you’ll need a tripod if you want to take pictures that are more artistic, clear, and dramatic. With a camera tripod, you can take timed photos, photos without your hands, and photos without camera shake. This helps you take pictures with a very long exposure time, which can take up to a minute. If you move the camera during that time, you’ll ruin the shot and might miss your only chance to catch something amazing such as the bright trails of a passing comet.

Essential Photography Gear Includes Accessories

A bag and a tripod are great ways to start getting your DSLR ready for a trip. But there are many other things you need as you get better at photos in case something goes wrong, like:

  • A rain cover to keep the weather from ruining your expensive gear.
  • Sun and UV protection extensions help cut down on glare and protect the lenses.
  • Get extra batteries and SD cards in case the ones you have run out.

When you go somewhere with your camera, you should always be ready. When you get to a faraway place, and your battery dies, you waste time and miss out on chances.

Various Lenses for Different Ranges

If you’re just starting out, you don’t have to worry too much about the different kinds of lenses. But by using macro lenses, you can really get a feel for how things like aperture, ISO, and exposure work. With a macro lens, you can get really close to things like flowers and bugs and still get clear pictures. You should also start playing around with long-range lenses as soon as you can afford one. But learn how to use your camera first, because it costs a lot.

Tough and Durable Clothing

As you get braver and more creative with your shots, you’ll notice that you have to move around a lot. For example, to get the right profile of an animal when taking a picture of it, you need to get as low as possible. But you will ruin your clothes if you do this. So you need to buy things you can wear with your camera when you go out. For instance, you could buy some sturdy but comfortable walking boots, combat fatigues, and a tough nylon or leather jacket with pockets.


There’s a lot of essential photography gear you need when starting out. Some of the most useful include a camera bag, a sturdy tripod, and clothing to use when getting out in nature.

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