Must-Know Safety Practices for Rock Climbing

Must-Know Safety Practices for Rock Climbing

It’s easy to define rock climbing as a mental sport. But when you think about the physical demands, it’s clear how vital safety is to your performance. Most accidents occur due to climber error. So it helps to ask experienced climbers for help and consider some of these must-know safety practices for rock climbing before starting.

Check Your Knots

Before you begin to adventure up the rock, you must double-check the knots’ security in the rope. Ensure the lead climber has created a figure-eight knot and a backup knot. You should also verify proper threading through the waist and leg loops of the harness.

Wear a Helmet

A helmet can save your life while belaying or climbing if you experience a slip or fall. It’s vital to remember is that the rock is hard, and your head is soft in comparison. The proper use of a helmet and any other climbing gear is critical to your safety.

Properly Clip the Rope

Clipping the rope correctly through a carabiner goes hand in hand with wearing a helmet for safety. It’s best to avoid back clipping and run the rope from front to back rather than back to front.

Place the carabiner’s gate in the opposite direction you’re traveling. This way, the rope won’t become unclipped. And use a locking carabiner when the placement demands.

Double-Check Your Harness

Once you’re at the base of the route and secure in your gear, you should always double- and triple-check the double backing of the harness buckles for both the climber and belayer’s harnesses. Many harnesses have an adjustable leg loop. Therefore, you should ensure your loops are snug to your legs but not snug enough to cut circulation.

Following some or all of these must-know safety practices for rock climbing can keep you accountable as a climber and save your life. The next time you’re at the crag with your climbing buddies, set some time aside to check everyone’s knots and harnesses.

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