Office Party Ideas: Ways To Make a Work Event Memorable

Office Party Ideas: Ways To Make a Work Event Memorable

It’s safe to say that work gatherings are those celebrations you want to love. As a welcoming wind down from the ordinary work duties, corporate events are always fantastic opportunities to be casual and establish closer work relationships with team members.

Unfortunately, work functions and office parties aren’t always the most anticipated occasions of the year. However, now would be an excellent opportunity to introduce flair and excitement into your office events. Here are five ways to make a work event memorable, so employees look forward to getting together.

Brainstorm Your Theme

The more work gatherings your plan or attend, the more similar and ordinary they feel. To freshen up the mood, consider incorporating a theme. Doing so makes your planning feel more personalized and intentional versus the standard drinks-and-catering soiree.

From masquerade balls to decade parties, themes are an excellent way for guests to dress up and feel included.

Incorporate Door Prizes

Who can decline a grand prize? Door prizes are welcome accents to company events and are opportunities to give back to those you appreciate most! You can conduct icebreaker games and team-building tasks with gift cards, tech gadgets, or paid days off as rewards.

Rent or Make a Photo Booth

While you want your work party to be one to remember, photos are physical memories commemorating those moments in real-time! Renting a photo booth or creating your own is an excellent touch, allowing your team to let loose and take silly snaps to take home.

Have a Potluck

If a formal event with bells and whistles isn’t your speed, keep things casual with a company potluck to allow employees to showcase their favorite dishes. Potlucks are usually budget-friendly, so there’s no need to worry about racking on expenses. Anyone interested can sign-up to organize contributions, so no one brings the same dish.

Venture Outside of the Office

While the team may enjoy a fun office party, they may appreciate an event outside of the office even more! You can rent out a venue, place décor, and host your gathering on a new territory to change the scenery.

If your work party is outdoors, you can make room for a pool dance floor cover to encourage employees to showcase their best moves.

Employees tend to look at corporate gatherings and work parties as stinkers, but these occasions don’t have to be! There are ways to make a work event memorable while showing appreciation to your team for their dedicated work.

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