The Most Terrifying Ghost Stories From Texas

A long stretch of railroad tracks that goes off into the distance. Around it is gravel, dirt, and several browned plants.

Every state has a number of peculiar ghostly takes and spooky urban legends that draw people in and make us excited about the possibility of something more being out there. Here are some of the most terrifying ghost stories from Texas that you may want to experience for yourself if you’re looking for a haunted getaway.

The Ghost Road of Saratoga

In the small community of Saratoga, a peculiar ghostly phenomenon happens when drivers cruise down a very specific road at night. Once known as Bragg Road, the aptly renamed Ghost Road is the site of a bizarre set of circumstances.

If you drive down this short, straight road in the dead of night and turn off your headlights, many motorists claim to have seen bizarre floating lights off in the distance. No one knows the true cause of these lights, though locals believe it’s the ghost of a headless man wandering around with a lantern, trying to find what he’d lost.

The Devil’s Cove of Lake Travis

During the day, the Devil’s Cove of Lake Travis in Austin, Texas, may seem like a fun and bustling party zone with rambunctious boats and music in the air, but this bizarre little inlet has some dark tales. Mysterious disappearances are common in this walled-off area, and people regularly discover the empty boats of those who went missing, never to return.

These empty vessels are just some of the many of Lake Travis’ unexplained mysteries, so whether you’re looking for ghosts, aliens, or something further beyond our understanding, Lake Travis is a must-see spot.

The Haunted Theater of Corpus Christi

The Centre Theater is a gorgeous landmark in Corpus Christi, but it’s also where you may find one of the most terrifying ghost stories from Texas. The tale says that in 1942, a jealous boyfriend stabbed an usher who worked at the theater. While the theater closed down a few years ago, rumor has it that the ghost still haunts the spot. Imagine watching a movie in the dark and assuming that the cool breeze on the back of your neck is just the air conditioner.

The Railroad Tracks of San Antonio

In San Antonio, at Shane and Villamain, there’s a set of train tracks where a school bus broke down on the tracks. The story goes that the bus driver fled out through the window, leaving the kids to die from the oncoming train. While we don’t recommend testing this for yourself, they say that if you put your car in neutral and stop on the tracks, the ghosts of these children will push you to safety.

Texas is full of stories of bizarre happenings and ghostly occurrences. There are several must-see spots for the thrill-seeker in your home. Just remember that sometimes, these legends may surprise you, and you can discover something that you didn’t want to find out.

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