5 Tips To Upgrade Your Wardrobe For Spring
If you’re looking at your wardrobe and wondering what you can do to improve it, then you’re in luck. This post runs through some of the small (and not-so-small) changes you can make to wow everyone and feel your most confident and charismatic.
Upgrading your clothes at this time of year is the perfect opportunity to decide who you’re going to be and how you’re going to present yourself. Spring gives you more freedom than the tail end of the year because the weather is getting warmer and you don’t need to constantly wrap yourself in a warm coat.
Here are some of the tips you might want to try:
- Swap Heavy Knits For Breathable Fabrics
The first thing you’ll want to do is swap some of those heavy knitwear items you have for more breathable fabrics. You’ll be amazed by just how much warmer you feel once temperatures begin to go up again, and how the whole world seems to open back up to you.
Instead of wearing a thick coat, consider replacing it with a lightweight jacket for spring. Denim or Harrington jackets are both excellent options or anything you feel comfortable wearing made of lighter materials.
- Avoid Dark Winter Tones
At the same time, you’ll want to avoid darker winter tones. While these can be great for the coldest months and help keep you warm in the sun, they feel too heavy, bagging, and restrictive for the spring months.
Instead, stick to a spring color palette. Choose more pastel colors, focusing on greens, grays, and even mustard yellows. Adding these hues to your repertoire will help you stand out more and feel like the seasons are changing.
- Layer More Strategically
The third tip is to layer the clothes you wear more strategically. You want to be able to take things on and off as required as the temperatures change.
Springtime is renowned for being variable. Temperatures can fluctuate between warm and sunny to dark, cold, and cloudy pretty quickly.
Therefore, you’ll want clothes that let you adjust your temperature throughout the day. Your base layer could be a men’s stripe pocket tee, followed by a thick sweater and a wind-proof jacket. Removing the outer layers is always an option if you want to cool down.
- Invest In Some New Chinos
It could also help to invest in some new chinos. These can look fantastic regardless of what the weather does, giving you more flexibility.
Chinos are for dressing up and down. You can pair them with a professional shirt or a simple jacket. As such, they are an incredibly versatile option, suitable for practically anywhere.
- Wear Comfortable Shoes
Our final tip for upgrading your wardrobe in 2022 is to find and wear comfortable shoes. You want something that lets you diversify your style and wear new things that let you stand out.
The best approach is to choose various styles and then use them as a base for your outfits. For example, you might want to own a combination of boat shoes, sneakers, and loafers depending on where you’re going.